Vanilla Coffee Syrup

This is the stuff Starbucks use to  turn your latte into a vanilla latte - just use it in place of sugar in your coffee.
I also like to use it in hot or cold milk.

In a Saucepan:
200g White Sugar
100ml Water

In a Glass:
50ml water

In a 2nd Glass:
100ml Water
3 caps of vanilla flavouring

  1. Put the saucepan on the stove over med/high heat.
  2. Using a metal spoon, occasionally scrape the bottom of the pan - there is no need to stir constantly.
  3. When the sugar starts to turn the colour of light engine oil IMMEDIATELY remove it from the heat and (at arms length) add the 50ml of water.
  4. As soon as the most violent bubbling stops, stir the mixture with a metal spoon - at first the sugar will try to solidify, but as you mix it will stay as a hot liquid.
  5. Cool for 10 minutes, Then add the remaining water and flavoring.
  6. Cool to room temperature and store in a plastic or glass bottle.
  7. Keeps indefinitely in a refrigerator.